Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Diabetes is a silent epidemic and according to WHO there are 246 million people in the world living with diabetes. This is almost 6% of the world's adult population.

 The major cause of increase in the incidence of diabetes is a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise and diet can either reduce or delay the incidence of diabetes by over 50%.

Eating too much of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are harmful to the body and can cause diabetes.

People with diabetes must take responsibility for their day-to-day care.

 Central obesity or apple shape of the body and insulin resistance is the main reason for diabetes increase in Indians

Among Hispanics/Latinos, diabetes prevalence rates are 8.2 percent for Cubans, 11.9 percent for Mexican Americans, and 12.6 percent for Puerto Ricans.

 People with diabetes can manage their disease by eating healthy foods, being physically active, taking diabetes medicine as prescribed and testing blood glucose levels.

 Diabetes is a disease wherein the body fails to manufacture or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone the body uses to convert starches, sugar, and other food products into energy for the body to use to allow it to function properly.

Children are also at risk of having diabetes.

 Diabetes often goes undiagnosed because many of its symptoms seem so harmless.

healthier food choices and limited the amount of calories and fat in their diet
 reduce the chances of getting diabetes

 Almost 90 to 95% of diabetes is of type 2 or maturity onset type; that affects people in their middle age. Type 1 or juvenile diabetes affects 70,000 children under the age of 15 years every year.

Gestational diabetes develops during pregnancy. Women who have had gestational diabetes have a 40 to 60 percent chance of developing diabetes, mostly type 2, in the next five to 10 years.

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